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Hi, I'm Brad


A Front-end web developer with a passion for coding, specialised in building responsive websites, which are pixel perfect and interactive.

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Hello! I'm Brad, a Front-end web developer based in the UK. I love to create different things and am always learning to better myself to create bigger and better websites.

At the moment I am learning React.js, Vue.js, MERN and how to create 2d games using Javascript. I want to eventually become a full stack developer.

Technologies and other Skills

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript (ES6+)
  • PHP
  • API
  • Learning React
  • Learning Vue
  • Learning MERN
  • Shopify
  • WordPress
  • Github
  • Photoshop


Here are some projects I have made.

Landing Page

Landing Page

Landing Page

A simple landing page for selling Beats headphones with scroll animations.

This is a fully responsive webpage with animiations as you scroll down. It has a working navbar that scrolls to the clicked section and has a different look for mobile.


Weather Checker

Project 2

Weather Checker

A simple weather app.

This weather app uses api to fetch weather type, temperature, humidity, and wind speed from the chosen location. The info is hidden on page load and only appears after the city name has been inputted.


Blog Webpage

Project 3

Blog Webpage

A single page blog site.

A blog webpage that shows a grid of blog posts that can be filtered down to categories using JQuery.


Music Player

Project 4

Music Player

A music player with 5 songs.

A fully working music player with play/pause, next and previous functionality. Song name, artist, timer and progress bar all working with the help of JavaScript.


JavaScript Games

Project 5

JavaScript Games

A collection of js games to test your skills.

JavaScript games have been the most help to me in learning to code. Games included are Tic Tac Toe, Sudoku, Guess the Number, Hangman and Test Reaction time. I am currently making a bomberman game.


Quiz App

Project 6

Quiz App

Quiz with 10 questions

A full working quiz app that has a home page with start button and high scores button. The quiz itself is 10 random questions using api to fetch it from a database. It has a score system and an end game page to store the top 5 high scores.


Recipes App

Project 7

Recipe App

Find meals by typing ingredients into the search bar.

This recipe app pulls meals from The Meal Database. When typing in an ingredient e.g chicken, fish etc. into the search bar, a list of meals comes up. When clicking on the meal, a modal pops up with the ingredients and instructions on how to make the meal.


Facebook Clone

Facebook Clone

Facebook Clone

A clone of Facebook.

This is a two page social media website that emulates Facebook. The first page is the home page and the second page is the profile page. It is fully responsive with dropdown nav.


Disney Plus Clone

Disney Plus Clone

Disney Plus Clone

A clone of Disney Plus.

First full React project following an old outdated tutorial, solving a bunch of errors and updating depreciated code, using Firebase v9. Login using GoogleAuthProvider leading to the home page with nav, hoverable movie clip viewers, detail pages and more.


Fun Projects

Here are some fun projects.

Get in Contact

If you like what you see and want to see more, then get in touch.

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